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10 Reasons to File a Lawsuit against Your Employer

10 Reasons to File a Lawsuit against Your Employer
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If you’re like most people, suing your employer must seem pretty far-fetched. After all, it’s not easy to sue someone else in court, and even if you win your lawsuit, there are plenty of risks involved—like losing your job or paying the other side’s legal fees. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on the possibility of going after your boss for unfair treatment at work. You have several compelling reasons to file a lawsuit against your employer, including:

1. You Were Fired Without Cause

If your boss fired you unfairly, you might be able to take them to court. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), you can prove wrongful termination by showing that you had “a good faith belief” that your employer’s action was illegal. Sometimes, this “good faith belief” comes from an employee handbook or employment contract. If you don’t have such documents, however, you’ll need to prove that you were terminated because you exposed wrongdoing within the company.

2. You Were Harmed Physically or Emotionally as a Result of Workplace Negligence

When working for an irresponsible employer, you should expect injuries to occur now and then. That said, sometimes your boss is more concerned about covering their errors than providing a safe workplace. For instance, mesothelioma attorneys frequently see cases where workers were injured when their employers failed to warn them about the dangers of asbestos exposure. This type of negligence is unacceptable, and you shouldn’t let your employer get away with it. Instead, consider taking legal action against your employer to ensure they learn a painful lesson.

3. Your Boss Discriminated Against You Based on Race, Religion, Sex, National Origin, Disability, Age, or Sexual Orientation

According to the EEOC, discrimination is illegal. Unfortunately, many employers fail to comply with anti-discrimination laws, which means employees who think they’ve been discriminated against feel powerless to fight back. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of ways for you to hold your employer accountable.

For example, you might file a complaint with the EEOC, participate in a class-action lawsuit, or hire an attorney to represent you in court. The bottom line is this: if you believe you’ve faced discriminatory treatment at work, you shouldn’t hesitate to seek advice from an experienced lawyer.

4. You Were Wrongfully Denied Overtime Pay

You deserve time-and-a-half pay for every hour you spend working after clocking out. Unfortunately, too many employers deny overtime to salaried workers and exempt employees. However, it’s perfectly legal for them to refuse to pay you overtime wages simply because you aren’t paid hourly. Nevertheless, if you think you qualify for overtime pay, you have the right to file a lawsuit against your employer.

5. Your Employer Violated Your Rights under the FMLA

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects your rights as an employee. Specifically, it allows you to take unpaid leave for specific medical conditions without fear of being fired. Unfortunately, many employers fail to honor this law, leaving employees wondering whether they’d be better off filing a lawsuit. The truth is this: you probably would, but only if you have the right to sue under state law. Otherwise, you should stick to the FMLA process rather than pursue a lawsuit against your employer.

6. You Were Hacked, and Your Company Didn’t Do Enough to Protect Your Personal Data

Data breaches have become so commonplace in recent years that they rarely make headlines. In fact, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center, more than 5 million Americans fell victim to identity theft in 2017 alone. These numbers could be much higher if it weren’t for security measures like encryption software, password management programs, and two-factor authentication. However, no matter how advanced technology becomes, some people will always try to hack into your accounts. And when that happens, your employer is responsible for protecting your privacy. 

7. Your Boss Made False Accusations against You

Do you suspect your boss made up false accusations against you? If so, you may want to file a lawsuit against them. As long as you have solid evidence to support your claims, you should find success in court. Of course, you’ll also need to have a good understanding of the law ahead of time. That’s why it pays to contact an experienced employment lawyer before you decide to proceed. 

8. You Suffered Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment is a serious offense. Sadly, many employers fail to prevent it from happening. And if a coworker or supervisor sexually harasses you, you have the right to report it and demand justice. After all, sexual harassment comes in many forms, including:

  • Unwelcome jokes or comments
  • Physical touching
  • Vulgar language
  • Offers of sexual favors in exchange for something

Don’t hesitate to speak up if you’ve experienced one of these behaviors at work. The sooner you do, the less likely your employer is to retaliate.

9. You Witnessed Illegal Activity on the Job, and Your Employer Failed to Take Action

Some bosses tend to turn a blind eye whenever they witness illegal activity. Sometimes, that behavior results in serious criminal acts. Other times, it leads to violations of state or federal regulations. Either way, it’s unacceptable. If you witnessed your employer violating the law, you should immediately notify the authorities. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal process so you won’t have to go through it alone.

10. You Were Fired for Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide a safe workplace for all employees. It also prohibits them from discriminating against any worker who files an injury claim. Unfortunately, many employers fail to uphold these rules.

And if you were fired for taking time off to recover, you shouldn’t hesitate to file a lawsuit against your employer. Not only will a lawsuit help you recoup lost wages, but it could lead to a larger payout down the line. Moreover, it could force your former employer to implement stricter safety guidelines.

Final Words

Although there are many different types of lawsuits you can file against your employer, most of them follow the same three-step process. First, you’ll need to figure out whether or not you have a viable case. That’s where a good lawyer comes in handy. Next, you’ll need to draft a complaint. And finally, you’ll need to negotiate with your employer to reach a favorable settlement. 

Just remember that it’s important to act quickly. The longer you wait to file your lawsuit, the harder it will be to prove your allegations. And even if you manage to beat the statute of limitations, your chances of securing a positive outcome decrease dramatically after several years. For this reason, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible.