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3 eCommerce SEO Keyword Research Tips

Keyword research is a key part of any successful SEO campaign or strategy, and when it comes to eCommerce, you want to make sure your research is thorough and on the mark, otherwise, you could miss out on a ton of organic traffic and conversion opportunities.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to eCommerce SEO is that you are trying to address the concerns of your customers. When you perform keyword research, you can’t simply think in terms of selling a product. You have to get in the minds of your potential users and think about why they would visit your website and what questions they would ask Google in order to find your site in the first place.

This may seem like somewhat of an abstract way of going about the process of keyword research, but if you want to truly connect with your users and turn them into loyal customers, you have to go one step further than merely dropping a keyword on a certain page and hoping you climb in the rankings a bit.

eCommerce SEO Keyword Research Tips

Google wants to know that a user will have their needs met if they click on your site, otherwise, you aren’t going to grab those top spots in the rankings that pull in the lion’s share of the traffic.

Here are a few important tips to get you started when investigating keywords to use in your eCommerce SEO strategy.

Don’t Focus Solely on Products

While you certainly want to include plenty of keywords in your strategy that involve specific hot products that you sell, you don’t want to rely solely on these keywords, especially if you are in a competitive market.

Why? Because there is a high likelihood that the brand itself and its affiliates will take the top spots for these exact match product keywords, which will leave you on page two or three at best in many cases. You can change them up a bit to see if you can sneak one through that has less competition, but overall, in a crowded market you may want to find alternative routes. Sticking solely with branded keyword phrases like that and nothing else is a surefire recipe for a stagnant online store.

Dig a Little Deeper for Long-tail Keywords

You rarely want to settle on a simple keyword phrase to do the legwork. In most cases, you want to target keywords that are at least three words long, if not four. While you will inevitably end up targeting a few basic keyword phrases, it’s the long-tail varieties that are going to separate your website from the others and more accurately address user intent.

Think About User Intent

This is where you’re going to make your money and build your eCommerce business. Right now, search intent is ruling the day, so for Google, everything on your website needs to be user-centric in order to have a chance at ranking. Google wants to see that your products and your services, as well as the information that you provide, best addresses the needs of the user.

This means matching their intent to your content. When searching for the right keywords to use, it’s important to think about what the user might expect to see when using a particular search query or keyword. If you seek to create a powerful, functional, attractive website that provides an optimal and seamless shopping experience, you’re going to make your users happy. Keywords are the bridge between the user and your content, so think about which phrases might help them discover your content and products.

If you need a little help with your eCommerce SEO and want a team of professionals to take the wheel, you might want to consider getting in touch with Akash Web Solutions. They know what it takes to rank online stores and will work with you to craft an impactful campaign.