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Being able to finance business development projects is not an easy task at all. But still, it must be done if you want your business to continue to grow and develop. Still, business development projects are really expensive, due to how important they are. Although some of these methods such as the SR&ED tax credit program are very effective for those who are eligible. Some of the ways which you can use to get the financial support you need for business development projects are:

1. Personal investments
You mustn’t just create a business and just wait for other people to invest in it. Sure, it will happen eventually, but you still need to make some effort. You need to make some investments in your business and make it stable. This is a great way which you can use to get the finance you need for business development projects.
By investing personally in these projects, you will be able to get the finance needed. Therefore, do not just wait for others to invest and give you the finance for these projects. Instead, invest personally in these projects that will help your organization.
2. Loans from loved ones
If you need a loan to finance your projects but without excess interest, this is perfect for you. Taking loans from family and friends is a great way to get finance for your projects without many disadvantages. This is because these loans are from people you know.
Therefore, they can give you loans with little or no interest at all. Some may be able to even give you for free if they are financially capable. Due to this, you will be able to get the much-needed finance you require for your projects.
3. Investment angels
Investment angels refer to wealthy and usually retired individuals who love to invest in businesses. They invest in organizations that have the potential to become large in the future. These individuals invest a lot in these organizations and they get their returns.
What’s more, all these individuals need in return for their investment is just the ability to monitor all areas of the business. Since developing your business is very important, you can easily meet such people. By meeting the right people at the right time, you will be able to get the finance you need.
4. Organization capitalists
Organization capitalists are people who help to provide much-needed investments. They look for organizations that have the potential to grow in a given sector. If such organizations exist, they also help to provide the funds which the organization needs to develop. This means that they will be able to give you the finance you need for development projects if your business shows promising signs.
All they need is a return on their investments and a large chunk of ownership in the business. Therefore, by just giving them some ownership, they will give you the money you need.
5. Business accelerators
Business accelerators generally help to provide finance when it is needed. They usually look for good organizations with potential that want to develop. In other words, they are looking for businesses that want to undergo one business development project or the other.
Usually, this is done for economic reasons, such as industrial development and job creation. Not to mention, you can make use of this to get the financial support you need for business development projects.