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Home » 5 Secrets You Should Know About Online Marketing in 2022 

5 Secrets You Should Know About Online Marketing in 2022 

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Online marketing has remained a crucial aspect of every business strategy in 2022. As users are spending increasingly more time on their mobile devices, it becomes clear that online marketing is an important way to meet your customers where they are, regardless of the type of business. So, if you’re looking to boost your online marketing strategy in 2022, we have compiled a list of five secrets to help you reach your marketing goals.  

SEO Strategy 

SEO backlinks are still one of the most significant factors that will contribute to your business ranking position, and it’s worth mentioning that working on your SEO strategy in terms of backlinks will definitely yield great results in the long run. However, keep in mind that Google’s latest update was around the context and the meaning of your content.  

Google’s algorithms became smarter, and the main goal is to prioritise or boost the visibility of content that is of high quality and apply to the users’ intent behind their queries.  

So, in other words, you need to amp your website’s user experience and keep in mind the intention behind the keywords you add to your platform. So, developing content just for the sake of SEO will no longer be a good tactic; instead, you should focus on relevant and SEO-optimised content for your users. 

Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is growing exponentially, not just in B2C but also in the B2B field. This also coincides with the incredible growth of LinkedIn during the past year. In other words, finding the right influencers that will provide exposure to your brand, products, and services will be immensely helpful for your digital marketing strategy. You can focus on more niche influencers that don’t have huge following, but they still have an engaging audience that follows their content. 

Become Influential 

Another tip is to become an influencer yourself. This doesn’t mean that you need to become like Gary Vee and become the face of your brand, but it can mean engaging your customers and audiences with brand ambassadors or employees that are well equipped to become the face of your business. Not only is this a good way to build a genuine community around your brand, as it’s always easier to connect with an actual human being than a company, but it’s also another way to increase the visibility of your business. 

Visual Marketing 

Infographics or eye-catching photos might have been some of the biggest marketing trends, but in 2022 we see an increasing importance of video content on social media platforms. YouTube started to prioritise short-form video content, which does much better than longer videos, and the same applies to Instagram with Instagram reals and, of course, Snapchat and Tik Tok. So, you can focus on relevant video content for your audience on social media accounts that they frequently visit. 

AR Technology 

Augmented reality technology and virtual reality have mainly been associated with gaming. Still, with the latest announcement of Facebook (the Metaverse), we can see that this will become one of the most prominent trends in the industry. So, if you choose to invest in AR video content or AR apps, this can also positively influence your business.