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Answering the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Child Molestation

Child sexual abuse has become a crucial public health problem. Child sexual abuse encompasses a child (someone who is not yet 18 years of age) in sexual activity, violating the laws and social taboos of the society and indicates that the child does not understand the act. Moreover, under the child molestation law, they are not even completely prepared. If someone’s child encounters this kind of scenario. Here is the list of most FAQs that they can learn.

How big is the problem pertaining to child molestation?

Many kids wait to report or completely avoid reporting their parents about encountering sexual abuse. Though estimates may vary across different studies, research shows that around one in four girls & one in thirteen boys experiences child sexual abuse. Surveys also suggest that the victim is someone known or trusted by the child’s family member or the child.

Are there any consequences?

Encountering child sexual abuse may affect how an individual thinks, feels, or acts over a lifetime. That results in short and long-term mental, behavioral, and physical health consequences. Best examples of physical health problems include:

  • Physical injuries
  • STIs or sexually transmitted infections
  • Chronic conditions later in one’s life (heart disease, cancer, and obesity)

Best examples of mental health consequences are:

  • PTSD or posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
  • Depression

Some examples of the behavioral consequences are:

  • Substance use or misuse, such as opioid misuse
  • Risky sexual behaviors, sex with many partners, or behaviors resulting in pregnancy
  • Risk for the perpetration of any type of sexual violence
  • Developing suicide attempts

Experiencing child sexual abuse may increase someone’s risk for future victimization.

What are the child molestation penalties?

Someone accused of child molestation will be under the threat of suffering severe consequences if the defense lawyer for child molestation fails to give strong reasons against the claim. Besides personal or social ramifications of getting accused of molesting the kid, some serious penalties are there that get imposed, depending on the state law. The penalties may include:

  • 365 days in the jail
  • More than or equal to six years in the prison
  • Fines
  • Registered as the sex offender

What does a defense lawyer for child molestation do?

Attorneys who work on behalf of the victim of child molestation have an in-depth understanding of the laws & how they apply to the case.

Are there any current gaps in child sexual abuse prevention?

Parents are responsible for ensuring their children have stable, safe, and nurturing relationships. Resources for sexual abuse for the child have focused on the treatment of victims & criminal justice-based approaches for perpetrators.

The efforts are significant after the child sexual abuse occurs. Nonetheless, little investment is made in the primary prevention of sexual abuse. Effective evidence-based strategies are now available to protect children from any kind of child sexual abuse.


In a couple of incidents, a child does not speak the truth in front of the jury. And there are cases where there are false allegations of a victim molesting a child. In these cases, hiring a defense lawyer for child molestation can help the alleged fight for justice.