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Secaucus is a small town in NJ with a population of about 21,000. It is located in Hudson County, near NYC (especially Manhattan) and Jersey City, which is a big advantage if you want to be near a big city. If you are considering moving here for good with your family, you should first know what the right location is – the total area of Secaucus is 6.55 sq mi (5.83 sq mi of Secaucus island). Is Secaucus for families with kids and pets and should you move there if you have children and a dog, for example?
Yes, because Secaucus is one of the perfect places for raising kids. The public schools are highly-rated, housing is affordable (compared to housing prices around Secaucus), the crime rate is low, it is diverse and the nightlife is amazing. When you are planning to move to a new city, you must consider all those factors.
56% of residents own a home here and the median home price is around $448,000. The median rent per month is $1,600, but keep in mind that you will need a bigger home because of kids and pets.
At the same time, because Manhattan is near, Secaucus is one of the best places for young professionals. If you want to build up your career and raise kids at the same time, you should definitely consider this place. The economy is strong and the average household income per year is $90,000 and the unemployment rate is 3.2%.
The top part of Secaucus for families with kids and pets
Some of the reasons for moving here with kids are the education system and family-friendly amenities, and also parks for dogs.

Where should you move when it comes to Secaucus? Because you are moving with kids, try to find homes near schools. It depends on where your kids are going – High Tech High School, Secaucus High School, Clarendon Elementary School, etc. Bluebell Relocation Services will be able to move you to any part of Secaucus fast and simply. Also, Secaucus is a pet-friendly town with a lot of parks, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Moving locally with kids and pets
To move locally to Secaucus, NJ with kids and pets, you will need all the help you can get. So, look for accountable local companies and move with ease. It is not easy to handle a move and take care of your family, at the same time.

There are so many things to do when moving with family. Finding a new school, looking for a family home, packing, transferring all the documents, updating address, etc. Take care of your health and your family while relocating and it is possible when you have moving experts by your side. Choose one of the places in Secaucus for families with kids and pets and start from there.