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Common Newborn Birth Injuries Revealed

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Birth injuries occur in approximately 7 out of every 1,000 births, according to various studies. Many birth injuries are temporary and resolve themselves quickly. But some babies born with an injury will have to live with health problems for life. So what are some of the most common injuries tots get at birth?

Broken bones

Around 1 in every 1,000 babies will be born with a broken bone. The most common fractures seen are to the clavicle, humerus, femur, and skull. More than 45% of fractures are to the clavicle. The clavicle usually broken when the baby has difficulty exiting the birth canal. The physician may break the clavicle intentionally to deliver the baby or may accidentally break it while assisting during delivery.

There is a possibility that an injury will also occur to the nerves of the arm, known as the brachial plexus, as they’re located close to the clavicle. This will stop the baby from moving his or her arm for an undetermined length of time. Often, this will resolve itself, but surgery is sometimes needed.

Oxygen starvation

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that 4% of babies deprived of oxygen at birth. It has argued for some time whether birth asphyxia causes cerebral palsy or not. However, a 2020 analysis of multiple studies found that cerebral palsy was much more common among babies who experienced birth asphyxia. Often, a physician’s negligence is the cause of oxygen starvation at birth. In cases like these, cerebral palsy lawyers should consulted. These experts will get to the root cause of a baby’s injury and can help get compensation for the affected baby and their family.

Facial paralysis

Almost 9% of babies born by forceps delivery will develop facial paralysis. Facial paralysis occurs when too much pressure is put on the baby’s face. The injury means the baby is unable to move one side of their face. It is most notable around the eyes and when the baby cries and the infant may need eye drops. Some cases of facial paralysis get better on their own. When the paralysis is permanent, surgery and therapy may need to make life easier for the baby.

In an ideal world, no baby would injured during the delivery process. Sadly, a small number of infants do get hurt during birth. So prospective parents need to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and long-term implications.