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Home » Why Should You Consult a Pain Specialist for Myofascial Pain?

Why Should You Consult a Pain Specialist for Myofascial Pain?

If you have been experiencing persistent muscular pain for weeks, then you probably have myofascial pain syndrome. Your doctor applies pressure to specific “trigger points” in any part of the body to identify pain areas and do the necessary therapy. It’s easy to disregard myofascial pains as chronic muscle pains or skeletal pains. However, if the pain doesn’t go away in two weeks, you may want to consult an experienced doctor

Myofascial pain syndrome typically affects people older than 50, and over 6.7% of the total population of Greenbelt MD is 65 years or older. So there are an adequate number of options if you’re looking for a spine and pain center Greenbelt MD

Symptoms of Myofascial Pain

Fascia is a connective tissue around the muscles of a person. The pain can affect isolated and localized muscles. The most common symptoms include acute pain when muscles move or stretch, knots in muscles, deep and prolonged aches

When your doctor applies pressure to pain areas, he/she may be able to identify knots beneath the muscles. Several patients report having experienced an unpleasant “lightning-like sensation” when inflicted with myofascial syndrome. Some patients also experience mild or sharp muscle cramps when the doctor applies pressure.

People with acute myofascial pain syndrome even have trouble sleeping because of the intensity of the pain. While most people experience localized pain in specific muscle areas, some people experience whole body pains. 

Causes of MPS

In most cases, MPS is caused by a lack of awareness of muscle health. While sitting in classes or at work for long hours, poor posture is the most common cause of MPS. Poor posture causes muscles to strain or go into “trauma.” You can also cause trauma to muscles by working out excessively and lifting heavy weights that are not compatible with your muscle strength.

Myofascial pain syndrome could also be developed by people who suffered skeletal injuries or muscle injuries. Nutritional deficiencies like calcium and iron deficiencies, inadequate bone strength, and inadequate muscle strength could also cause MPS. It is experienced by women who are undergoing hormonal changes due to menopause

Why Consult a Doctor?

Only an experienced professional doctor can identify MPS correctly. Self-diagnosis and treatment could lead to further muscle damage and deterioration. Identifying the signs and starting the therapy as early as possible could help restore muscle health or prevent the condition from worsening. Your doctor can identify technical details like latent trigger points, secondary trigger points, satellite trigger points, and active trigger points.

 Your doctor will prescribe NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and other pain medication to help manage the pain. The professional may ask you to modify your diet, take nutritional supplements, and include exercise in your routine as long-term solutions.

Find a Good Doctor

Greenbelt MD’s cost of living index is 116, which is lower than Maryland’s general average. Hence, the cost of treating MPS in a spine and pain centre in Greenbelt, MD, may be lower than that of other suburbs in Maryland. There are many reputed doctors in the city. Find a doctor who priorities prolonged relief measures.