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One of the most innovative technologies to prevent unexpected expenses, excessive delays, and frustration are E-construction technologies. These have contributed to significant efforts for the improvement of infrastructure. Also, it enables to incorporate the best available solution for various construction operations. The usage of these options for construction projects brings a better, smarter, and faster approach to enhance the safety, shortening delivery time, and protecting environments.
Not only e-construction technology, but all type of technologies is really popular nowadays. You can check the mobile phones, laptop and many other electronic items.
The very first step to implementing e-construction technologies is to get stakeholders and giant enterprises on board and convince them to be a part of the decision-making process. By this, it will be easier to acknowledge and implement e-construction technologies on a broader scale. The applications and associations are inevitable, and hence, you must be aware of the fact that the goal of incorporating those innovations is to reduce manpower and improve productivity in less time.

What Is E-Construction Technology?
E-Construction technologies are the combination of conventional construction processes and computerized advancements of artificial intelligence to innovate new eras of designing and testing. It depends upon the automation of various methods of construction from capturing data, and documentation, to finishing with the fulfillment of needs. It makes workflow management productive and accessible to all contractors, owners, investors, and buyers.
E-Construction has potentially changed the way construction projects are managed. Undoubtedly, it has made the management of every type of project more flexible, more efficient, and above all, more cost-effective.
Below are the top three e-construction technologies that are currently used by most of builders that may inspire you to get inducted for your next project.
1. Prefabricated Construction System
Prefabrication is a technique of assembling components of a building at a different location other than the construction site. It helps to control the costs of wages, materials, and saves time. Developers can manufacture walls, doors, windows, floor panels, wall panels, room-size components, roof trusses, and even an entire building or house.

It can construct mass amounts in lower costs and shorter time. Also, there are much-specialized pieces of equipment that cannot be moved economically to the construction site. Hence, prefabrication can help to solve these issues. The only drawback is the dilution of responsibility and may lack an adequate criterion for inspection. Consequently, if not handled carefully, it may lead to structural failure.
2. Automated Construction System
An automated construction system refers to the top story framework for execution spaces. The entire framework is equipped with automated climbing and transport equipment; hence, a structure is automatically assembled. It enables builders to make high-quality structure in an unaffected schedule without getting affected by weather conditions.

A multiple-story building can also be even manufactured with the reaction force of the completed structure. Each operation is repeated for each story and hence combined when done to prevent the impact of the first one on the other ones.
3. Computer Integrated Construction System
Computer-integrated construction systems are the most advanced form of e-construction technologies. It focuses on data and application integration for development. Also, it utilizes research and software solutions to yield maximum outcomes with a minimum investment of resources. It has a much high rationale potential; thus, investors are more focused on researching for Computer integrated construction systems.
The relatively under-represented area for coordinately described and semantically demonstrated processes, these systems better support the kinds of short-term projects that also typifies the sustainable working environments in the e-construction industry.

Computer-integrated construction systems are outlined versions of conventionally supported generic system architectures while utilizing simple business models for its progression, deployment, and realization.
Obstacles To Convert Processes Into Solutions
“It is not about the beauty of the structure, but the pillars that stand over time” says; Aleksandra – Crowd Writer.
As mentioned above, e-construction has made the oversight of the construction process dramatically better. However, it is not always convenient to include these systems in place for every project. It is not still up to the mark for the availability and complexity of the requirements. It needs to be additionally committed and adding extra efforts to implement e-construction technologies. Hence, when it is done once, it will be going to save a considerable amount of energy, time, and resources and will prove the worth of being made an investment on the front end.
Therefore, it is essential to understand the obstacles to the process of implementing e-construction technologies. Some are easy to handle; some need a practical solution while some needs to get into the limelight. Below are lists of possible obstacles that are still in consideration:
- Selling the concept to stakeholders and decision-makers
- Limited available resources
- Buy-in from different suppliers and distributors at the same time
- Legal concerns and reasoning
- Artificial intelligence and information technology limitations
- Operational and production concerns
- Lack of trained personnel for implementation
- Addressing e-construction limitations in technology
- Acceptability of automated documentation and verification systems
- Operational constraints concerning policies, SOPs, and auditing
- Personal concerns including acceptance and being reluctant to up-gradation and change
Benefits Of E-Construction Technologies
Regardless of the number of obstacles, it is essential to consider most of them have been overcome by making e-construction into a reality. Investors who acknowledge the benefits have a well-defined edge and are far outweighed by the ongoing comfort of these innovations. Below are some benefits that are worth considering.
1. Saves time
Processes that may take weeks and months are now can be done in days, thanks to transformative e-construction technologies. It helps to lower the overall cost of the project, which can be significant to the usage of fuel, printings, and postages. Hence, a considerable amount of reduction in total expenses will impact the environment and energy savings on the state level as well. Moreover, the time wasted on many unnecessary steps will be significantly diminished.
2. Highly productive
Implementation of e-construction technologies has made projects more efficient that are benefiting both contractors and investors. It is providing greater accessibility along with more transparency that is ultimately resulting in high accountability. Hence, it leads to more productivity, quicker payments, and earlier “close the books” for each project.
3. Cost-effective
Time is money. The phrase suits well when it comes to the construction business. E-construction technologies save a significant amount of documentation, printing, and drawings that also save time. It can also save you the amount spent on traveling to construction sites, meals, fuels, and maintenance. Hence, when an e-construction technology is fully implemented; it can prevent you from many additional expenses.
4. Accessible, safe & transparent
E-construction offers inherent transparency, accessibility, and security. Everyone, including stakeholders, investors, and contractors, can get a complete view of every project anytime with real findings. The reason is that e-construction systems serve as a single source for reliability, accuracy, and real-time data showcasing.
Hence, all of these lead to a transparent process that has better accountability. Furthermore, it makes it more secure than manual processing, particularly when retention and protection of classified information are involved.
5. Best practices
Every small, medium, and large-sized agency strives for the best practices within their organization. Because; it is a better way to be trustworthy, reliable, and responsible. With the recognition of these technologies on state levels, developers will be able to improve the aspects of construction processes. Also, it will dramatically enhance the efficiencies, savings, and manpower that will lead to the following best practices and setting new trends to innovate values and revenues.

Getting Started
As discussed above, the services improved with the introduction of advancements and innovations in e-construction technologies have already begun to benefit infrastructures. A significant amount of resources including; time, money, energy, and workforce are being saved. The investments are also generating tremendous revenues in a short period.
In the past decade, these technologies have become more flexible, powerful, and practically implementable with much fewer expenses. They have created incredible opportunities that are positively impacting the conventional ways of managing construction projects.
Although there are limited available technologies, still all of them are creating ways to invent and innovate for more reliable techniques and surprising creators to play in a significant ground. Regardless of obstacles that they have to work through, a team of committed and dedicated champions in e-construction will be enough to set further spectacular examples and inspire stakeholders.
Once these e-construction technologies are fully implemented, the benefits will be immediate and apparently improve budget reductions, time and cost savings, productivity, transparency, associability, and security within the traditional process. The need is just to acknowledge and develop the implementations with positivity.