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Essential Water Leakage Fixing Tips from Portland Plumber

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Surprisingly, about 70% area of our planet is covered by water, out of which only 2.5% is fresh water. Yet its only 1% of the whole water that is accessible to humans. Water is a significant element required for the existence of mankind. It is compulsory for drinking, washing, cleaning, gardening, and much more activities.

Keeping in mind the concern of water wastage each year in the USA, here, Portland plumber is sharing a few tips to avoid the unnecessary water loss.

Find the cause of water wastage:

As per the environmental protection agency, the USA about 1 trillion gallons of water is wasted in the country due to leaking taps in the bathroom, faucets, kitchen, and broken toilets. Portland plumber advises that the average water leakage in a home can be easily fixed with little efforts. This way you can majorly contribute to water saving. Repairing minor house leaking taps can also make you save 10% of overall water bills.

Get your place tested for water leakage:

“Fix a leak week” is an event celebrated in the USA every year in March month. The event aims to create awareness among people and get them enthusiastic to focus on the leakage possible in their home and workstation. The Portland plumbers suggest that you can examine your house for water leaks in this month for free. However, you should not only wait for the month to come, it always a better idea to call the expert and get rid of water leakage as soon as possible.

Do it your self:

From the kitchen to the bathroom, check every tap in your home. On putting the tap off, check if it still drips the water drops or if it takes more strength to close the tap. This would mean that either the tap or the cartridge needs to be replaced before it fails to control the water flow completely.

Check the basins, sink, and laundry machine pipe for leaks:

It might be the possibility that the pipes of certain areas are damaged and are leaking. The moisture from the leaking pipes can make the surroundings to stink and can invite the development of fungal or bacterial colonies and can lead to diseases. Carefully check underneath sinks and basins to avoid any unexpected issue.

Check the Water Heater for leaks:

Check the hot water unit if there is any leak. Extensive or improper use of water heaters can lead to damage in the old water heaters. The units tend to break down and due to pressure and boiling temperature the water can leak quickly and frequently even after the repairs. Portland plumbers ask you to replace the damaged parts with the new one. This will increase the life of your water heater and will make it more efficient.