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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay?

Writing an essay is not hard for an expert essay writer, but it might get difficult for the newcomers. Writing a long or short essay won’t get difficult if you understand the basic structure and what is included. 

So to write an essay, understanding its parts with what they include is the only that matters the most. Students are asked to write a five-paragraph essay in high schools and colleges.

5 Paragraph Essay: Guide, Topics, Outline, Examples | EssayPro

They might get it difficult and overwhelming, but following some guidelines can make them create a high-profile essay without getting nervous and sweating. This article will get some tips and tricks to make your 5 paragraph essay creative and unique. So, let’s jump to the next.

Analyze the type of essay;

Before writing any piece of writing, you must find its type. It will help you figure out the material that would be added to the text, and the purpose of an essay will also flow in the write-up; the reader doesn’t need to dive into the text for purpose. 

To find out the type of essay before getting started is essential. There are many types of essays, so write accordingly. You can also get help from online custom writing to make your write-up unique.

  • An argumentative type explains the particular aspect of the topic by describing facts and figures
  • In persuasive type, persuade the reader and win the argument, so write accordingly
  • In comparative type, the attention is devoted to both types of entities, containing the pros and cons of entities
  • In expository type, educate the reader by describing a particular personality, event, or situation. For example, write about any personality, picnic party, or any incident

Parts of five-paragraph essay;

The five-paragraph essay comprises of three parts;

  • Introduction ( 1 paragraph)
  • Body (2, 3, 4 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (5 paragraph)

Introduction of the five-paragraph essay

It is the preliminary part of an essay containing the basic purpose of your writing. It attracts the reader’s attention and provides the basic statements covered in the body. The best way to make your introduction attractive is;

  • Introduce your topic in one line
  • Develop a thesis statement
  • Describe the significance of your topic in one line
  • Develop the questions that you want to tackle

By following the above guidelines, you can develop an eye-catching introduction.

Body of five-paragraph essay;

The body part is the building block of a write-up. It supports the statement given in the introduction by dealing with facts and figures. It can also include any incident, example, and quotes of prominent figures supporting your idea. If the essay is five-paragraph, the material will include the following the structure of the body;

The First paragraph will deal with the questions or statements mentioned above to be discussed in the write-up. It can also include others’ or worldwide perspectives on the topic.

The next paragraph will deal with the writer’s point of view or arguments about the topic. It can include additional information about the topic, like its emergence, popularity, importance, or decline. The remaining part of the writing will create flow in writing. So the sentences must be coherently arranged. Otherwise, it won’t add anything to the body. This paragraph is the living part of the body; if it is not written carefully considering important points, your write-up will not be considered a good one.

Five-paragraph essays are essential tools of communication (opinion)

The next and last paragraph of the body will support the argument with historical events, facts and figures. It might include statistical data, aggregation data, or historical figures’ sayings. If the essay type is comparative, the paragraph would be the comparative statistical data showing both entities’ emergence, decline, and peak. For example, writing on inflammation or poverty rates will include statistical data.

Concluding part;

It is the last and folding part of the write-up. It can include a summary of the topic. It might get difficult to write if not conceptualized well. It restates the thesis statement and then connects it with the write-up body. The concluding part may also include the guideline for the reader undertaking the said facts and figures mentioned in the body part.


A Write up is the first impression of the writer’s thoughts. How can you establish confidence in your writing style if it is not well inclined and maintained? Some tips and guidelines can make you super confident in writing. 

To write an essay is no big deal. Many online services are available to ease the learner by giving him in-depth knowledge, but the write-up structure and what to be in the particular part of an essay are worth mentioning. Our customer need is our top priority.