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Home ยป Four Career Paths A Degree In Homeland Security Can Help You With

Four Career Paths A Degree In Homeland Security Can Help You With

Irrespective of the roles they are serving, individuals working in the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) provide security and safety to the US daily. According to the DHS themselves, they screen about two million passengers from aircraft, inspecting more than containers, and seizing 11,500 lbs of narcotics every day. It is only a small slice from a big plate of pie. In fact, the US requires more trained individuals who can carry out the same duties to secure their country from security threats.

However, the job opportunities do not end with working in the DHS. A degree in the field of homeland security will allow you to prepare for job opportunities that stretch far beyond the DHS. Homeland security consists of immigration services, the coast guards, the secret service, FEMA, and TSA. Not everyone who holds a degree in homeland security decides to work for the DHS. Many individuals search for jobs in the police department, cybersecurity, and emergency services.

If you are ready to take the leap and get a degree in homeland security, numerous career choices await you. Here’s our pick of the lot.

  • Intelligence Analyst

If you are an organized and detail-oriented person, you will have a flourishing career in intelligence analysis. You will be responsible for uncovering vital clues in state-level crimes. These clues will prevent and solve crimes that the department of homeland security handles. You will also have to gather valuable data through various other sources, such as the police department.

It will take a great deal of time, patience, and effort as you will have to look at every detail through the lens of a microscope to avoid missing crucial clues. To apply as an intelligence analyst, you will need a master’s degree in homeland security. You can either do an online masters in homeland security or one from a campus-based university. Both are acceptable.

  • Emergency Management Officer

Whenever a disaster strikes, emergency management teams are always on standby to deal with the after-effects. Whether it be a human-made disaster or a natural one, quick steps are necessary to avoid further damage to human life and infrastructure. It is where emergency management officers play a crucial role.

Not only do they respond to and prepare for all disasters, but they also help the community recover from the aftermath. While working in the emergency management department, your primary role will be to mitigate any unforeseen circumstances before and after a disaster strikes. The average salary of an emergency management director is around 74,000 dollars per year. And all you need to qualify for a job in such a department is a degree in homeland security with a concentration in disaster and emergency management.

  • Border Patrol Officer

The USA covers more than 6000 miles of land border and 2500 miles of coastline. And they need someone to remain guard on those borders to stop aliens from entering their homeland. Not literal aliens but non-nationals trying to enter illegally. As an officer in the US border patrol department, it will be your job to prevent these illegal immigrants from entering your country.

In fact, the US border patrol also has an agriculture department that stops insects and pests from entering and wreaking havoc on crops. With a degree in homeland security, you can apply for a career as a border patrol officer. Of course, you won’t be dealing with insects or pests. However, you will be the one the government calls when individuals illegally try to enter your country.

  • IT Expert

There is an attack occurring in the USA from cyber attackers and hackers from all around the world. And, they remain persistent in their efforts to sabotage servers and networks. IT experts in the DHS ensure that the digital infrastructure of the country remains protected at all times.

Their job is to keep tabs on infrastructures, such as communication lines, water systems, and the electrical system, and ensure they protect them against all cyber attacks. They also monitor for malicious viruses that might attack the government serves and try to still their data. To work in the IT department of the DHS, you will need to have a degree in homeland security with an educational background in computer science or engineering. Prior experience of working in an IT department will also be a plus point.


Whether you want to work in the police department, emergency services, or any other field, a degree in homeland security will allow you to expand your career to new territories. While doing so, you will also be protecting your country. It is something that most people do no get to do. So, go ahead and look at these career opportunities if you have a degree in homeland security and want to earn some serious cash!