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Recently, land-based betting points are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Stationary points are often played by conservatives who are convinced that otherwise they will be deceived or players who are unable to control their emotions online.
Most players prefer to make IPL bet online from the comfort of their home, standing in a traffic jam or in a queue.
Among the main advantages offered by modern bookmakers that actively develop online betting are:

- Security and privacy: Each office guarantees the confidentiality of clients. During the verification process, the player must submit copies of identity and residence documents. These documents will not go beyond the site.
- A detailed list and large odds: The peculiarities of the work of land-based betting points do not allow providing conditions similar to those offered online. The odds on the site are many times higher, and the list for some status matches can include hundreds of different outcomes.
- The ability to bet in real time: You can place a bet while watching a match. There are special outcomes for everyone — for the next goal, for the outcome of a half, set or period, and other options.
- There are hundreds of bookmakers on the internet. You can place a bet in any of them, or use the top.
- Noticeable time savings. You no longer need to go to the other end of the city, stand in a long line, get nervous, make other customers wait until a suitable outcome is chosen.
- Availability. Bookmaker websites and applications operate 24/7, without breaks and days off. Bets accepted at any time of the day, without restrictions.
In the time of technological progress and universal computerization, such a type of activity as cybercrime is often encountered. With regard to sports sites, this is, first of all, the theft of personal data concerning the used payment systems.
Any bookmaker undertakes not to disclose to third parties the personal and financial data of clients received when opening a deposit and subsequent transactions, except as otherwise provided by law (for example, at the request of law enforcement agencies). However, no one can be safe from break-ins and unauthorized leaks.
How to maintain Security?
To maximize the security of your personal data and money, you must follow a few simple guidelines. This will help to protect yourself not only in online betting but also in everyday work with a computer:
- Choose a reputable bookmaker. This is the best guarantee for the safety of personal data and funds. Carefully read the agreement and the rules, primarily regarding the privacy policy during registration.
- Install a licensed antivirus or a set of corresponding applications on your computer. This will protect against viruses, spyware, Trojans, etc.
- Do not use the function of remembering forms and do not save logins and passwords in text files on their computer. A virus can break through the protection, after which the data stolen by intruders.
- Do not disclose to third parties the password for the account in the bookmaker. Bookmaker employees will never ask anyone to provide such data.
- Pass the identification procedure. When sending copies of documents, you need to ask the bookmaker what kind of data he needs. Those that third parties do not need to know about hidden.
- If possible, do not spread on social networks, forums, and other public places about large bets, winnings, etc. In this case, the likelihood that someone decides to «hack» someone significantly reduced.
Observing these simple rules, you can safely place bets via the internet at the best bookmaker.