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How Do You Get a Conventional Loan?

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Real estate ownership can cost you a lot. Even if you have a stable savings account and a decent salary, it is doubtful that you will be able to purchase a conventional property immediately. When most people decide to engage in real estate and buy a house, they decide to get a mortgage loan. 

You’ve likely heard of mortgages or conventional loans at different stages in your life. Yet you probably have no idea what they actually are. You may not even know how to get one and how they work.

It takes way more than a simple glimpse to understand a conventional loan mortgage. So let’s start with defining some terms. It would be substantial before we answer the question, “How do you get a conventional loan?”

Conventional Loan

A conventional loan is a substantial amount of money provided to a borrower. When the loan is used to acquire property, you can refer to it as a conventional loan. The word “conventional” distinguishes this economic product from other forms of loans. Injured? Contact for a free consultation!

Additionally, private lenders such as banks, credit unions, or lending agencies secure a conventional loan. On the other hand, government agencies guarantee other types of loans.

So how does a conventional loan work? First, the bank, credit union, or lending agency acquires the property on your behalf and transfers the title to you. Then you agree to repay the lender with interest. 

An interest is the percentage rate you owe the lender for the inconvenience of lending you money. It is how the bank profits from the loan. Rates may be fixed or variable. A fixed-rate will remain as it is throughout the life of the loan. In contrast, a variable rate changes annually depending on the economy’s state.

Further, you will get an interest rate on a conventional loan based on your financial profile. Along with this, qualifications may also differ due to the vast range of loan products. 

Nonetheless, you may have heard of conforming loans and non-conforming loans. It is also essential to understand their difference. It can help you target the right kind of loan for your situation.

Conforming Loans

It can take a long time for a homeowner to pay off their mortgage. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is one of the most common kinds of loans. So if a homeowner keeps this type of mortgage for the entire 30 years, it will take as long to pay off. The problem is that most mortgage lenders don’t want to wait that long.

Furthermore, lenders can’t keep giving loans to people who want to buy a house. There won’t be much flow of cash that will happen in the process if so. For this reason, lenders often sell their mortgage loans to investors. These investors may retain a small number of mortgages in their portfolios and sell the remainder on the bond market.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are both government-backed companies that buy the most traditional mortgages. They work without depending on the federal government. Yet, they still have to follow the rules to make sure they properly do their jobs. 

There are standards about what kinds of mortgages Fannie and Freddie will buy. They aim to fill the mortgage market with loans people can pay back. Conforming loans are mortgages that Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac can buy because they meet their requirements.

Non-conforming Loans

Mortgage lenders can’t sell non-conforming mortgage loans to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. For this reason, this kind of loan is harder to sell. Nonetheless, private investors can buy non-conforming loans.

To get non-conforming loans, borrowers must follow the rules. Lenders make these rules on their own. In general, though, people who want a non-conforming loan will need both a higher down payment and a better credit score. Most of the time, the interest rates on these loans are also higher.

Conventional Loan Requirements

Conventional house loans are more available to people with middle to high incomes. After all, they often need a down payment and sufficient credit to secure a fair rate. On the other hand, people with lesser income would find government-backed loans more attainable. 

You can check and other sites like it to further understand the requirements on getting a conventional loan.

Are you prepared to fill out an application for a conventional loan? If so, you’ll need to meet certain conditions first. Credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and down payment are the three factors that matter most to lenders when evaluating an application for a conventional loan. 

Let’s examine each of these eligibility requirements and what a lender could look for in a loan application. 

Down Payment

When you apply for a conventional home mortgage, you’ll need at least some money for a down payment. The amount of money you’ll need for a down payment varies.

Through some Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac programs, you can get a conventional mortgage loan with as little as a 3% down payment on the final price of your home. Just ask your mortgage lender if you qualify. You can also get a conventional mortgage loan with as little as 5% of the home’s sales price as a down payment.

Nevertheless, if you can afford it, it is often more reasonable to make a higher down payment. If you make a down payment of at least 20% of your home’s final purchase price, you will not be forced to pay private mortgage insurance, which protects your lender if you stop on your mortgage payments.

Still, that’s a big down payment. A 20% down payment on a house that costs $220,000 would be $44,000. Many people who want to buy a home don’t have that kind of cash on hand. Instead, they come up with down payments of 5% or 3% of the home’s final price. A 5% down payment on the same $220,000 home would be $11,000. This is still a lot of money, but it’s not nearly as scary as $44,000.

Just remember that you’ll usually pay less interest on your mortgage if you can come up with a bigger down payment.

Credit Score 

When you try to get a mortgage loan, your credit score is a very important number. This three-digit number shows how well you’ve managed your credit and paid your bills. Your chances of getting a mortgage loan with a low-interest rate go up the higher your credit score are. Lenders consider credit scores of 740 or higher to be excellent.

Pay your bills on time every month and pay down your credit card debt to build a good credit score. Some of your monthly payments, like those for your mortgage, car loan, student loan, credit cards, and personal loans, are reported to national credit bureaus. If you pay these bills on time every month, your credit score will slowly go up. If you pay them more than 30 days late, your score could drop by 100 or more points.

Don’t worry if your credit score is less than 740. Lenders are different, but most will give you a conventional mortgage if your credit score is at least 620. Expect to pay more in interest if your score is between 620 and 740.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

Another important number when you want a mortgage is your debt-to-income ratio. It indicates the proportion of your monthly gross revenue that goes to settling your monthly debts.

In general, lenders want your total monthly debts (including your estimated new mortgage payment) to be no more than 36 % of your gross monthly income. If your debt-to-income ratio is high, you might have to pay higher interest rates to make up for some of the risks that lenders are taking when they give you mortgage money.

Conventional Loan

Steps for Getting a Conventional Loan

Now, how do you get a conventional loan? The process of applying for a conventional loan might be nerve-wracking, but it is certainly possible with the proper preparations and actions. If you intend to apply for a conventional loan in the near future, you may want to take the following steps.

Take into Account Your Financial Situation

Before seriously pursuing a mortgage, you should get your income and expenses in the best shape possible. This includes restoring poor credit if your score is less than optimal, paying down current debts and trying to increase your monthly income. Plus, saving as much as you can safely afford for a down payment.

Choose the Best Lender for You

There are several places where you can apply for a mortgage. There are local credit unions, large international banks, consumer-friendly lending firms, and less respectable lending institutions. Some may be favorable and easier to apply for but may carry a big risk.

These are all considerations you should address while searching for a lender. It is advisable to evaluate many lenders before deciding on the best one that meets your requirements.

Submit Your Mortgage Application

Once you’ve determined which lender best meets your criteria, you may file your mortgage application. At this time, you can begin searching for a home. The application process can take a while and requires a great deal of paperwork. For this reason, it is prudent to start early, preferably before you begin house hunting.

Because there is so much money involved, traditional mortgages can feel overwhelming and stressful. However, by studying the ins and outs of mortgages before applying, you may give yourself an advantage and the tools you need to discover the perfect financial solution.


Now that you have the answer to the question on how do you get a conventional loan, perhaps you are now considering taking out a loan. Just remember that there are a variety of loan choices available for you. And if you think you’re qualified for a conventional loan then you can start taking your steps in this mortgage process.