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Home » How Family Lawyer assist you in the process of consent order application?

How Family Lawyer assist you in the process of consent order application?

When the two spouses get mutually agreed to a divorce, without the right legal proceedings it remains insignificant. That is the reason both parties should obtain a consent order from the court effectively first. Once they do that, they can now implement the various processes pertaining to their binding financial agreement. Doing all these that too without proper legal help is simply next to impossible. If the same is the case with you then you should get in touch with the best family lawyers in Perth instantly.

Certain documents are required before you apply for your financial consent order. Some of these documents can be considered below:

  • Substantial copies of the binding financial agreement which both parties will enter into.
  • A valid copy of your marriage certificate
  • A legitimate copy of your divorce order (if any)
  • Substantial copies of any existing orders
  • Legally binding copies of the certificates comprising the title of any transferrable real-estate property.

It may be the case that you are applying for a superannuation splitting order. In that case, copies of the last 2 statements from both parties will be needed. This will prove the monetary assets have been split equally between the two parties. A letter from the superannuation trustee company will also be required. This will prove that both parties agreed about the splitting of their monetary assets.

You need to submit these documents invariably when applying for your financial settlement consent order. A team of qualified family lawyers will help you to make the best consent order in support of these documents.

Why choose the best family lawyers in Perth?

So are you planning to apply for a worthwhile consent order as well? If you say yes, then get in touch with the best family lawyers in Perth right now. This is because you will get comprehensive assistance from them regarding the application of your consent order. Couples who are agreed about getting a binding financial agreement made can apply. Child support, spousal maintenance, superannuation splitting, and property settlement are some of the crucial aspects comprising this document.

Get flawless legal assistance

To apply for the consent order, impeccable legal help is a must. Otherwise, you won’t be able to obtain your consent order from the Australian Court properly. To actualize this criterion, you need to hire a competent family lawyer in Perth, Australia. Your lawyer will help you comprehensively during the entire application process by keeping all the crucial factors in mind. This is because oftentimes both spouses find the process of applying for and obtaining a consent order successful.

Acquire a consent order with high-quality legal help

Without optimal legal help applying for a consent order would be a sheer blunder. That’s the reason why you should hire a team of skilled and dedicated family lawyers in Perth. A consent order is such a document that should be in favor of both parties. It’s only a family lawyer in Perth who will review the consent order painstakingly before both parties sign it. In short, your lawyer will aid you in obtaining your consent order in the best possible way.

How to apply for a Consent Order?

So, once you are ready with all the documents mentioned above it’s time to apply for your consent order. Followed that both parties should sign the required affidavits before the respective authorities. After this, both spouses should sign the consent order collectively. Don’t forget to put the valid date on the last page of your consent order. This process should be preceded by signing each of the pages of your consent order. Remember, that the affidavit and consent order has to be signed on the same day.

What’s next?

You also need to lodge your consent order application within 90 days of which your first affidavit was signed.

Apart from providing the original version of your consent order you also need to provide its copied versions. By signing these copied documents you will ensure adequate credentials for the Court as well as yourself. So, you need to file certain documents with the assistance of the best family lawyers in Perth Australia.

The additional documents

Some of the documents which you should provide include three copies and the original version of the drafted consent orders. Two copies and the original versions of the supporting documents and affidavits. Two copies along with the original version of your Consent orders Perth’sapplication will also be needed. Remember, that the copies and original versions of your drafted consent orders should be certified by the lawyer or you.

The Verdict!

So, are you looking forward to drafting a consent order according to the Consent order family law of Australia? If yes, then get in touch with the best family lawyers in Perth to get attain optimal results.

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