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Improve your Web Store Sales with Magento Commerce this Year

As per the studies, e-commerce business increased by around 75% during the Covid-19 pandemic. This clearly shows how busy the world’s online selling market is becoming in catering to customer requirements. It won’t hurt if we say that with the rising competition, winning is the only option you have. It emphasizes the fact that as a Magento web store owner. You will have to get your Magento developer working on improving your store and hence, sales.

From creating personalized content to sharing new promotions, there are different elements that must be taken care of. We understand that as a business owner, you might not be able to keep up with the rising requirements of your store. So, you better talk to your Magento developer to help you with this. Let’s now take a look at how you can improve your web store sales with Magento Commerce this year.

Build Custom Websites

It’s true that when your e-commerce store expands, your website will see increased traffic. In the coming time, you might also have to take steps like grouping your products to engage more customers. You never know if you realize that you must build your website in the local language to make it easier for everyone to shop online from your store.

There is no denying the fact that growing your business is challenging when you have to install and configure new software to keep up with the competition. That’s when you might think about Magento Commerce as an option that manages different websites for multiple brands making it easier for you to add and administer all the websites you require.

Personalized Product Recommendations

There is no denying the fact that online shoppers look for personalized product recommendations. It has also been found that most shoppers check the brands’ product recommendations. For customer engagement, this feature is of great use. It is also believed that product recommendations can boost up to 30% of your sales.

When someone goes for manual product development, it can get extremely confusing. It also becomes outdated when the market conditions change. It would be better if you go for AI product recommendations. That won’t only save your effort but will also increase your conversions.

Chatbot Communication

When we are talking about e-commerce communication. It would be wrong to say that it is a one-way communication approach where it is only the brand that talks. It is worth knowing that you can be a successful business store. Only if there is two-way communication between the brand and the customer. You must be able to answer your customer’s queries on time.

Where emails can be a bit of a hassle, online chatbots work great in this regard. This way you can help your customers who are stuck and need assistance during a purchase. With Magento Commerce, you can integrate different chats as per your business requirements and serve your customers better.

It is obvious that you won’t be able to make use of Magento Commerce the way a developer can. So, you can get in touch with Towering Media to hire our specialized Magento developer and reach your e-commerce business goals.