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How to Prepare Your Home for a Foster Child?

How to Prepare Your Home for a Foster Child

When you’re preparing to take in a foster child, it’s vital to also prepare your home to be successful in the process. There are a few expectations and requirements that must be met when it comes to the condition of your property. If these aren’t in place, you risk the chance of losing the opportunity to foster because it’s vital that the child has a safe and welcoming environment. Below is a list of some of the things you should consider.

Have Enough Space

Foster children need their own safe space within your household. This is why it’s necessary for them to have their own bedroom where they can have privacy and an escape. If you can’t provide a spare bedroom then, sadly, you won’t meet the requirements to foster. When organising a spare room, you must ensure it includes basic storage, a desk/chair, a heating source, and a window. For further information, visit Fostering People

Ensure Safety Measures

To provide a safe home, you should always lock away medicines, cleaning products, and anything that could be considered a harmful material. If you are fostering a young child, this is paramount because they tend to be curious without caution. Also, you might need to put in age-appropriate safety precautions such as childproof gates and keep all doors locked with keys.

Make it Clean and Tidy

Whilst being aware of safety, it goes without saying – provide a tidy, clean environment. If desired, you can find a local cleaner to help. You should clean at least once a week and maintain a tidy household, especially because its likely that you’ll have regular visitors and house inspections from different professionals. A clean, structured space also enables children to feel calmer. 

Consider Redecorating and Furniture

If you haven’t changed your home’s interior for over a few years, you may want to consider redecorating. If you find out what the child’s favourite colour is, you can personalise their bedroom. Furthermore, it’s best to opt for brightness and colour.  Furniture is also something to focus on – comfy bean bags, new bedding, and night lights are worthwhile purchases. 

Stock Up the Kitchen

It’s also a good idea to know what the child likes to eat and to fill your kitchen with their favourite snacks and meals. It has been shown that ‘culinary kindness’ will give them extra comfort, a sense of belonging, and something familiar to look forward to. Remember to ensure they have a healthy, balanced diet whilst doing so. Additionally, even if household members are having different food, eating together at the same time creates a better family dynamic – so it’s good to set a scheduled time when you can sit and have a meal all together. Also, it’s advisable to prepare a regular meal plan so they know what to expect as this will help them to feel settled.

As a foster carer, it’s preferable to have a routine, a healthy family dynamic, and most of all, enjoy the experience. Remember to remain calm and don’t feel overwhelmed in the preparation stage because if you plan correctly, you’ll succeed in being a great foster carer.