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Home ยป How to View Downloaded Files in Telegram from Mobile or PC?

How to View Downloaded Files in Telegram from Mobile or PC?

When we use messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram and we receive files, documents, images, videos, etc., when they are opened they are saved on the device, even when they are configured not to download automatically, but it is not always easy to find their location in our device, whether it is the mobile, Tablet, Laptop or PC, especially when the gallery of our mobile has been replaced by Google Photos.

All the applications that we install on any device regardless of the operating system that it handles, create folders on the device in which the received or basic files of the application are downloaded, and sometimes these are accessible, everything will depend on whether the operating system allows the access to them.

How to access downloaded telegram files to view images and videos?

To see files downloaded in telegram we must access the application and look for the message or the channel where the file is located, in this way it can be viewed or played from the app.

How can I find where my Telegram files are stored on my mobile?

In order to locate these and other files that you want to find on your Android device. You must install a download manager or file explorer with which we can have access to all the system folders. We will enter the mobile file explorer and enter the internal storage of the device. In this space you can find several folders created by the system and applications.

You will see, for example, the download folder where the downloads made on the computer are stored. Screenshot with the screenshots taken, and many more, including those of installed applications such as Telegram. Once we enter the Telegram application folder we will find different sub folders identified each with the type of content they store.

In this sense, we will have folders of audios, documents, images, videos, etc. By accessing any of these folders we will be able to view the content. That they have shared with us, of course. They will all be gathered and organized by name or by date. But we will not be able to locate the contact from whom we received it.

In case of not being able to open a file we can use applications that allow us to open any type of file on Android. When accessing folders with content, we should be able to use it like any other mobile content. That is, have the option to share it, move it, save it or delete it from the device.

Of course, you must take into consideration that not all files are stored in the same way. Since when creating a private or secret chat, one of its characteristics is precisely the confidentiality of the information. That is handled there, self-destructing even the files sent. So it is likely that these are not found in the device storage.

Another option is to enter the Telegram application, select the attachment icon and mark the file, once there you will be able to observe and access the Telegram folder of the mobile where the files are stored by default, when you enter it you will be able to access the folders with your documents, images, audios, etc.

In the case of iPhone, the operating system does not allow access to these types of folders. Since due to security measures. It does not allow access to applications in file folders of other applications. In this case the option is to go to the Telegram application and look for them in the chats to share them from there.

On Android

In order to access the downloaded telegram files to view the images and videos from Android. It is necessary to go to the folder that says ‘ Files ‘ within that folder there will be another with the name of ‘ Telegram ‘ there will be the images and videos downloaded from Telegram.


If you want to see the files that you have downloaded in Telegram on an iPhone. What you should do is go to the phone’s gallery and look for the folder called ‘Telegram’. There you will find the images and videos.

Where are downloaded Telegram files saved on PC?

If you are using Telegram web to find the downloaded files you have to go to the download folder. That you have configured on your computer, where you will find the images and videos that have been downloaded in Telegram.

In the case that we use the application from the PC, we must access it with the file explorer. Some systems we can find it by pressing the Windows symbol simultaneously with the E. In Windows 7 we find it by accessing the folder on the taskbar. We will look for the Downloads folder, there you will locate the Telegram Desktop folder. Entering it we will find all the files that we have received ordered by date.

Now, if you want to save your Telegram files in another location. You can also do it, for this you must enter the application. Enter the chat where the file to be saved is located. Once located, we right click and select save as. Once The save window opens, you can enter the destination where you want to have the file.

You also have a cloud storage in which you can save your files regardless of type. Storage in the cloud is unlimited, but the files to save cannot exceed 1.5 Gb.

Folder where the images and videos downloaded in Telegram Desktop are saved

As in Telegram web, the files that you download from Telegram Desktop. You will find them in the ‘ Downloads ‘ or ‘ Downloads ‘ folder of your computer.

How to configure the download folder on Android, IOS or PC?

In order to change or configure the download folder for Telegram files on Android, iOS or PC. You must go to the application settings and in the storage path choose the destination of the downloaded files.