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Home » Investing in the Best Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg

Investing in the Best Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg

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It is important for people living with aging parents or obese patients to have the appropriate toilet support to aid the existing toilet design. 

The Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg’s vertical post has an adjustable swivel area and rests slightly off the floor. As a result, the spring-loaded hinge turns to swing in towards the toilet as the pressure is applied from the front either through a mop or any form of cleaning device. This form of hinge supports the additional weight of an obese patient. 

Why invest in the Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg?

When properly installed, Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg can augment the weight-bearing capacity of the toilet. Wall-mounted toilets can deflect ⅜ per inch down when you sit on them. As a result, the support leg sets firmly against the floor space. And thus, you attain the appropriate support for your bathroom usage needs. 

Where can you use the Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg? 

Since the Wall Hung Toilet Support Legis is portable and easy to install. You can easily use the same for all wall-hung toilets found in – 

  • Airports
  • Offices
  • Residential building
  • Schools and colleges
  • Rest stops
  • Nursing homes
  • Sports areas
  • Recreational facilities, etc.

Can a single Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg cater to all these areas? 

Numerous manufacturing companies produce wall-mounted toilets, Big Toilet seats, and even a single manufacturing company may have separate brands and models. It is important to understand that a single building can have multiple brands of toilets. 

Thus, instead of investing in different Wall Hung Toilet Support Leg forms. You can opt for universal designs that can fit these toilets. Such versatile designs can fit in other toilets and are portable. As a result, you can easily take these along with you to get the most suitable results for your needs.

Changing your home into a more bariatric-friendly design

It is important to understand that the right Wall Hung Toilet supports Leg. And similar products can be highly beneficial for your family. Especially if you have a patient who has undergone surgery. 

Using the products mentioned above can prove a good idea for existing homeowners. Especially if they have aged, are suffering from mobility issues, or are bariatrics. In this case, the key is to tweak the house and identify the key design features that these patients may need. This can help define the overall scope of improvement and saves a huge amount of money. That otherwise would be needed for a complete remodel. 

Tips for tweaking the existing bathroom design

Steps and changes in the design can be problematic, especially if you are looking to accommodate fewer mobile patients. Who are in wheelchairs or use external help to reach out to the area. Although such patients may also require less slippery floor space, marble must be strictly avoided at all costs. Adequate attention must be given to tiles and flooring, especially if you are going for a comprehensive remodel project. 

It is best to bring a handrail and grab bats to avoid slipping on wet floors and ideal for standing up from a standard toilet.