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Leading TV Shows of 2022

Thanks to streaming services, there have been some major improvements in the world of television. Before streaming services were a thing, you just had to watch whatever was on the TV. You didn’t have a catalog of shows to choose from. However, this isn’t the case now. There is a seemingly endless choice when it comes to what show you want to watch.

Due to this, TV shows must put a lot more effort into having quality and a draw for an audience. As well as this, there is a lot more money in this industry than there once was. This means that TV shows look more stunning than ever. 2022 was an amazing year for TV shows for this reason. It went above and beyond other years, showing how great TV shows can be. So, what are the releases that defined the year? 


When Jason Batemen announced he would be making his directorial debut with a Netflix series, a lot of people weren’t too convinced. Of course, Batemen has established himself as an amazing comedic actor. However, he was not proven as a drama director, nor did he have too much acting experience in this area. With the release of Ozark, he proved a lot of people wrong.

The series was captivating and intense. The dark tone of the show made it a unique watch, with amazing performances from Bateman and his co-stars. Even details as small as the ability to capture the atmosphere of a casino was excellently done. So much so that it might inspire you to go and do your own gambling. If so, you should check out for all your online needs. 

Better Call Saul 

There was a massive hole left in the hearts of Breaking Bad fans when the series came to an end. Many hail it the greatest show of all time, which can be hard to argue against. From an amazing storyline to standout performances, the show is an amazing watch. Due to this, people were unsure of a spin-off series around a lawyer, Saul Goodman.

However, it turned out to be another masterpiece. With the series coming to an end in 2022, it was one of the most talked about shows of recent years. Bob Odenkirk showed how amazing of a character Saul Goodman is. Not to mention, there were amazing performances from returning characters, as well as new ones. 

House of the Dragon 

Spin-off series and prequels are becoming very popular in recent years. So, it wasn’t too surprising to hear that Game of Thrones was also indulging in this. House of the Dragon was set over 100 years before the events of Game of Thrones.

However, family affairs keep a decent level of familiarity for fans. The first season has been nothing short of a hit. People are already comparing HOTD with GOT and it is easy to see why. Amazing performances from Matt Smith and Paddy Considine have helped the show to excel.