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Home » Major Advantages to Select the Buttress Toilet Support

Major Advantages to Select the Buttress Toilet Support

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It is observed that wall-hung toilets can take up to only limited weight. With the number of obese patients rising in the nation. The issues of accidents associated with the above-mentioned product are also on the rise. 

Taking the demand of these patients into consideration, many brands are taking the matter into account to develop products. That is effective and efficient to aid the special needs of such people. As a result of the same, alternatives like Wall Hung Toilet Support are available for those who wish to seek a secure solution for supporting their existing toilet design and avoiding any form of mishaps.

Ultimately, the best results for bariatric patients can be achieved without obstructing or deteriorating the appearance of the existing toilet design or making a big investment into a new toilet bowl.

Why bring in the Wall Hung Toilet Support for your home?

Using alternatives like Buttress Toilet Support, you are investing in the safety of your family members and the home decor. For instance – using these toilet support alternatives means that the available design can be easily tucked beneath the existing toilet design.

This works in conjunction with the existing wall-mounted toilet design to distribute the weight and therefore, raise the capacity to over 1000 lbs.! This is 2.5 times the actual weight tolerance limit of a regular toilet design.

Using the Wall Hung Toilet Support, a heavy-duty toilet jack made from steel or ABS is placed underneath the bowl. As a result, it brings one of the most effective and affordable priced options to avoid issues associated with modern toilet designs like broken wall-hung toilets or water closet designs.

As a result, when selecting such a support leg. Make sure that the brand is compliant with the Bariatric center of excellence standards. 

Advantages of Selecting the Buttress Toilet Support for your Home and Business 

Protects the person from mishaps and accidents

One of the prime advantages to select the Buttress Toilet Support for your home is that the same help you to protect the family member having bariatric issues or obesity from mishaps and accidents. This is because the regular toilet design is hardly sufficient to bear the weight of such people.

As a result, using the alternatives like Toilet Support legs are available for use. This is an ideal investment for those who wish to seek a secure and reliable long-term solution for supporting the existing wall-hung toilet design

Caregiver Protection

Since the regular obese person weighs anywhere between 160 and 190 pounds (and beyond). Their caregivers are at greater risk for harm and muscular strain. Especially when they help such bariatric issues or obese patients. The issue takes a turn for worse in the absence of precise and medically approved accessories. 

For instance, options like raised toilet seats can reduce the gap between squatting and standing positions or use toilet support legs and stools which not only benefits such patients to shift themselves more comfortably but also aids in the required confidence in the equipment to be installed.