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Position yourself on Google, here’s how to do it best

If there was an ideal guide for webmasters, probably the most searched topic would be: ‘position yourself on Google?’

In fact, the organic positioning on the most famous of search engines is the ultimate goal of a job, often burdensome, like that of webmasters who deal with trying to optimize a site from an SEO point of view to improve its positioning.

If you also have a website and want to discover the secrets of an ideal positioning, here are some tips that can be useful.

Knowing how to position yourself on Google is of fundamental importance because according to some statistics, those who do a keyword search tend to click on the first results they find – which are generally the top 10 positions, therefore not beyond the first page. You have to work a lot on SEO of the site to position yourself on Google in the best way and conquer the SERP.

How do you position a website?

Starting from the origin, Google – but also the other search engines – automatically index the website, in most cases therefore when you create a page there is no need to report it to the site that proceeds independently to its indexing. In some cases, however, Google does not single-handedly locate a site, so you have to report it. If your site does not appear in the SERP of the search engine, you must go to the page Add/update a URL of your account in Search Console, enter the URL and simply add it. Google will index within a few hours/day.

How to position yourself on Google with SEO

You do not run away: if you want to achieve an excellent organic positioning of the site on Google you need to learn the SEO technique, which consists of a complex set of techniques that allows you to position a site in the first pages.

The first step in using SEO well is to understand which is the keyword or keywords with which you want to index the site. There is no need to run the risk of over-optimization or even risk exaggerating with the use of keywords that are too well-used (which, however, can also lead to penalization by Google).

Use well the keywords you have chosen in the title of your article, and naturally within the text for a not exaggerated number of times, also depending on the length.

Create content that is really high quality for the user: Google does not look so much at the number of contents, but at their length, quality, originality because it tries to give priority to posts that give real value to the user, information that is not obvious and always updated.

In the search for keywords that are useful for positioning on Google, we can recommend some excellent quality SEO tools that can help you. In this way, you will always know both which are the most popular keywords to use, the least popular ones that you can use to avoid having to compete with real giants, and also the news trends to create always fresh news.

Remember that for Google the real protagonist of the whole experience is the user, as a result original, updated and excellent quality content will be rewarded, but also well structured (with the use of paragraphs and subparagraphs, bold, keywords and nothing grammatical errors).

Do not forget that to position yourself on Google it is also important to use off-page SEO well.

We talk about link building, that is, the publication of valuable and high-quality guest posts on authoritative sites with backlinks to our site. In this way Google will be able to increase your positioning in search engines, giving you better positions.