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Home » Purchasing Guide 2021: 5 Common Questions in Finding the Right Mattress

Purchasing Guide 2021: 5 Common Questions in Finding the Right Mattress

How was your sleep last night? Did it satisfy your sleeping needs and have a great rest? Or are you struggling to fall asleep every night? If you find it hard to sleep every night without any serious underlying cause, it may be due to your old mattress. 

Mattresses are something that you don’t get to replace every week or every month. So, when you decide to purchase a new one, it must be something that you could enjoy and relax in. Besides, mattresses are made for people to sleep better and more comfortably at night. If your mattress does not help you get better sleep at night, then it might not be the best one for you. 

Shopping for a new mattress could be draining for some people. Some people view shopping for a bed as not as fun as shopping for clothes or buying food in groceries. Thus, to help you purchase a new mattress. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to help you decide. 

What Do I Dislike About My Old Mattress? 

When you shop for a new mattress, make sure you don’t buy something. That has the same features as your old mattress that you did not enjoy. Your main objective in purchasing a new mattress should be going home with a mattress that’s far better than what you previously owned. If you are buying the same mattress you dislike, you’ll miss out on having an improved sleep quality at night. 

You may begin by jotting down some points on what you want to have in your new mattress and the things you do not want to experience with it. You may also check out some reviews of the best mattress 2021 has to offer for reliable feedback or personal opinions about a specific mattress. 

Also, it might help to know more about the different types of mattresses to help you decide. For example, you want a mattress to be bouncy; you may want to consider getting an innerspring mattress. Assess your sleeping position and sleeping needs to help you decide what you want to experience from your new mattress. 

What Mattress Sizes Should I Get? 

The right mattress size you should get is something that could fit all of the sleepers who intend to lie down on it. In the market, you will see a lot of various sizes of mattresses available. Some are designed for a single sleeper, while there are also mattresses suitable for a larger number of sleepers or people with a bigger body frame. Here are the standard mattress sizes to guide you: 

  • Twin-sized mattress: 96.5cm x 190cm 
  • Twin XL-size mattress: 96.5cm x 203cm 
  • Full-size mattress: 134 x 190.5cm 
  • King-size mattress: 193 x 203cm 
  • California King-size mattress: 183 x 213cm 
  • Queen-size mattress: 152.5 x 203cm 

When Is the Right Time for Me To Replace My Old Mattress? 

In normal conditions, mattresses should be replaced every six to eight years. But some people still use their mattress even if it’s already too old and starts becoming damaged. One of the most obvious signs that your mattress needs a replacement is when the foam becomes saggy. And the mattress does not look good anymore, even though you have already washed it multiple times. 

Mattresses are designed for the long-term usage of people. But if they are not taken proper care of, they will be old fast and will not serve their true purpose. Take into consideration replacing your old mattress. If it already smells bad and if you don’t feel comfortable in them too. 

Keeping them even though they are not beneficial to you anymore will cause you more harm than satisfaction. Also, be wary in choosing the firmness level of your new mattress. It does not mean that mattresses that are too firm are better than softer ones. Usually, the firmness and softness of a mattress will depend on which would feel comfortable for the sleeper. 

Where Should I Buy My New Mattress?

Nowadays, in-store shopping is not your only means of purchasing items. You could do online shopping too and have your items delivered right to your doorstep. Although online shopping seems to be the trend lately and is a great and convenient way of buying things, not everyone enjoys online shopping

Even though online shopping has a lot of perks, some people still prefer to buy items that are costly, like mattresses in-store. In-store mattresses allow people to see the thing in the actual sense and feel the texture of the mattress if it would feel good to them.

With this, if you think that going in-store will be more beneficial to you, then visit near your area. But, if you do not have enough time to visit stores and have found a reliable shopping website, you could try this too. 

How Much Budget Could I Allocate To Buying a New Mattress? 

You can’t bring home a new mattress if you do not have enough budget. In purchasing a new mattress, make sure you have allocated enough funds for this purchase. You can’t expect to go home with a good quality mattress if you do not also have the income to pay for it. 

Mattresses are costly for various reasons. First, they made with materials that are high-quality and durable. Materials that are not cheap and could withstand different conditions. If you not satisfied with your purchase, it’s best to ask about the warranty agreement and the return policy. So that you guaranteed that your money will not waste if you do not like your new purchase. 

So, it’s fair to say that mattresses are a good investment not only for having a good relaxing sleep at night but also for a person’s overall health. Without a good mattress, one will not have a comfortable sleep at night to help one energized throughout the day. 


Purchasing for any item nowadays is better, more convenient, and faster. It seems like you could buy anything instantly, especially that online stores are now also rising. Thus, with the convenience people enjoy, they still must think wisely about the items they purchase. If you wish to buy a new mattress, check out some common questions shoppers ask themselves mentioned above to guide you in your shopping.