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Simple routine habits you should try for getting better sleep every day

A good night’s sleep is as important as anything. In fact, it is equivalent to good exercise and healthy diet.

Poor sleep significantly impacts your brain functionality in a negative way, lowers your exercise performance, and keeps your hormones in an imbalance state. It also increases the chances of you gaining excessive weight and this problem will affect both adult and children alike.

On the other hand, good sleep will help you eat less, exercise better, and live a healthier life. So if you want to be healthy in every sense, then a good night’s sleep is essential in achieving that.

To help you in your journey, we’ve put together this simple routine habits you should try for getting better sleep every day guide. Read it carefully and try to follow some of the tips so that you’ll be able to lead a pretty healthier lifestyle.

On that note, let’s begin.

Simple tips you should try for getting better sleep every day

Increase bright light exposure for your body

Your body has a natural biological clock that informs your brain when to stay awake and when to fall asleep. Exposure to natural sunlight or bright light during the day helps your biological clock to be in balance and healthy.

This definitely improves day time energy and night time sleep quality as well. when you expose your body to either sunlight or bright light, it’ll greatly improve the time it takes for you to fall asleep.

Even if you are a person who gets average sleep but feel energetic most of the day, consider implementing this tip. It’ll surely improve your sleep efficiency.

Avoid exposing yourself to blue light when you are in bed

Exposing yourself to the sunlight or bright light during the day is highly beneficial, but it has the opposite effect when you are in bed. If you expose yourself to blue light during bed time, it makes you stay awake for a long time.

This invariably reduces your sleep time as well as sleep quality. To be specific, it reduces the production of melatonin in your brain which helps you to relax and get deep sleep.

When exposed to blue light during night time, your brain without your knowledge believes that its still day time and tries to stay awake. So blue light exposure is the worst to reducing your sleep time and sleep efficiency.

You can stop using smartphone and laptop when you are in your bed. This will significantly reduce your blue light exposure in your bed time. Also make sure there is no disturbance in the room. Use latest ceiling fans because old fans create some noise which will affect your deep sleep.

Don’t consume caffeine after sunset

Although caffeine has numerous benefits, it isn’t helpful to your sleep pattern when consumed after sunset. If you consume caffeine late in the day, it stops your body to naturally relax during night time and keeps your nervous system active for a long time.

What it does is it inevitably decreases your sleep time. For some people, caffeine stays elevated in their blood for a long time. So they have trouble falling asleep every time they consume caffeine late.

If you still feel the need for coffee late in the day, then you can go for decaffeinated coffee.

Try to stay away from irregular or long daytime naps

There is no doubt that short naps during the afternoon is good for your body, but irregular or long naps can negatively affect your sleep time. Long sleep during daytime can confuse your internal biological clock and you may struggle to fall asleep in the nighttime.

30 minutes or lesser nap time during afternoon has positive effect for your brain functionality. Whereas, a longer nap can surely harm your sleep time and sleep efficiency at night.

Sleep and wake at consistent times

You should always remember that your body functions with an internal biological clock aligning itself with sunrise and sunset. So when you sleep and wake at consistent times, it can actually aid long and deep sleep without natural interruption.

If you have the habit of going late to bed every day, then there is a high percentage of chance that you wouldn’t get quality sleep. Hence, setting a regular bed and wake time is imperative to keep your body healthy.

Don’t drink alcohol during night time

If you have the habit of drinking alcohol before you go to bed, then you should remember that it’ll negatively affect both your health and your sleep pattern. Also, alcohol is known to increase snoring and disrupted sleep.

It consistently alters melatonin production in your brain which is responsible to make you sleep. Overtime, it causes hormonal imbalance and makes you groggy at all times.

So avoid taking alcoholic drinks before you go to bed.

Improve your bedroom environment

There is good relation between bedroom ambiance and sleep quality. And many people believe that good bedroom setup is a real key factor in getting a good night’s sleep.

These factors include external noise, temperature, and lights inside your bedroom. Many studies have proven that external noise due to traffic will have long term effect on your sleep quality and overall body health.

So, try to minimize external noise, artificial light, and temperature in your bedroom before getting into your bed.


We hope that we’ve given you a clear overview on the simple routine habits you should try for getting better sleep every day. Sleep is an integral part of our lives and it helps us to re-energize ourselves to take on the next day.For more valuable information related to home improvement visit

So you should take it seriously and get into a proper routine when it comes to having a good sleep.

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