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Home » Three Ways You’re Killing Your Plants Unintentionally During Summer

Three Ways You’re Killing Your Plants Unintentionally During Summer

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As more people remain stuck in their homes during this pandemic crisis, most of them turn their attention to worthwhile hobbies, including gardening. Those who don’t have a sprawling garden at home turn to houseplants to make their green space a reality. Some take their houseplant inspirations on social media that they end up creating their own jungles at home. 

While it’s a great feeling to have indoor houseplants, the upkeep can be tricky, especially in less than ideal environments. They can also cause nuisances by creating a perfect hiding place for ticks and other pests by allowing them to take shelter on large tickets and tangles of vines. Some even turn to tick control and prevention to repel ticks on potted plants. 

It’s a heartbreaking moment for gardeners to kill their own plants unintentionally. Plants are sensitive creatures that require some serious TLC. The maintenance is even more delicate during summer, considering the high temperature and poor soil conditions. In this article, we’ll take a look at the surefire ways to kill your precious plants this summer. 

Wrong watering routine 

The longer, warmer summer days are a major concern for most gardeners, especially those living in tropical areas. The watering routine will require many adjustments, and you have to check your plants more often than in other seasons. In the process, others end up watering their plants more than required to prevent them from drying out in the hot weather. 

While we want to keep our plants hydrated as possible, overwatering is a surefire way to kill thriving houseplants. Summer may be a good thing for those who are heavy-handed with their watering, but overdoing it has its consequences. 

To prevent overwatering, determine the required watering routine for each houseplant. Often, those with thicker leaves need less water, but other delicate species dry out quickly. Set a watering schedule and the moisture content of the soil to prevent excess water from sitting too

long on the soil. Failure to do this will allow the bacteria to grow, leading to fungus gnats and root rot. 

The same goes when plants don’t get enough water during hot seasons. Others can be so overly cautious about overwatering that they end up not giving the right amount of water the plant needs. Keep in mind that succulents are one of the few plants that don’t require watering daily. In fact, they can go on for a week without water. 

Moving pots constantly 

Some gardeners can be particularly picky when picking the right location for their houseplants. One moment they’re on the balcony; the next, they’re already outside the door. This often happens during summer if the current location of the houseplant is getting too much sunlight. Gardeners end up moving them to other areas to protect them from the hot weather. 

Another habit most people do is buying potted plants impulsively without plans on where to put them. Keep in mind that plants don’t like to be moved too much. When a plant is already thriving

at its current temperature and light conditions, relocating it will force it to adjust to the new environment. Your goal is to find a suitable place and keep it there. 

When buying plants, consider the space restrictions and sources of sunlight before making any purchase. This will help you determine a permanent space for your plant instead of relocating them to other parts of the house. 

Repotting houseplants unnecessarily 

Cute pots and planters are almost everywhere, which inspired gardeners to try repotting. Repotting plants is essential for their survival. When plants start growing slowly or experience stunted growth, it’s an indication the plant needs repotting. 

Spring or summer is the perfect season to try repotting. Plants eventually outgrow their containers within two years, causing the roots to become compacted and crowded. Although repotting has its benefits, doing it unnecessarily harms the soil and root system. Plants would prefer if you leave their roots and soil alone. Repot them only when the roots are beginning to expand. 

If you’re really keen to use your decorative pot, double potting is a better approach. But as much as possible, don’t repot unless it’s needed. 

Gardening involves serious commitment, and it takes a lot of knowledge and skills to create an ideal green space for your houseplants. If your goal is to have thriving, healthy plants throughout summer, consider the suggestions above and research before purchasing any houseplant. All these measures will increase your chances of keeping your plans alive and making any dumb mistakes.