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7 Ways to Earn Money from Online Teaching Platforms

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Online teaching is on the rise for the past few years as it offers a lot of flexibility to an individual. Also, as we know that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the educational institutes are conducting online classes. It has become a crucial aspect of filling the educational gap during these risky times. Online education is beneficial for both educators and learners. They can connect regardless of any geographical boundaries. They have the option of sitting anywhere i.e. home or even a coffee shop and conducting the classes.

With such greater flexibility, it becomes feasible for conducting and attending such classes. To add more, educators can set their own timings and earn good pay. It means if you are already an educator, wish to become an educator, or pursue a side hobby, you can start taking online classes. Educators also need to adapt themselves from the point of view of learners. Getting started with online teaching is not a difficult task. In this article, we will discuss seven detailed steps for Teaching Online.

Know the Technology

Conducting an Online Class means you should have proper knowledge of the medium on which you are conducting the class. First and foremost the educators must have a high-speed internet connection along with a computer/laptop to conduct the sessions. The secondary requirement is a good Online teaching Platform that allows you to teach online without any hindrance.

The Teaching Platform must possess the following qualities:

  • It should be a collaborative platform i.e. it should be able to connect educators with potential learners.
  • It must be secure i.e. the flow of digital content should be secure and also the payment should be carried out in a secure manner.
  • It must be user-friendly.
  • This must fulfill the monetary needs of an educator.
  • It must have various tools to create innovative courses and engage learners.

To sum up, Invest in good software, hardware, and the platform that best suits your teaching needs. Basic knowledge of these elements will help educators to conduct online classes without any obstacles. Explore the platform and make the most of it.

Setup a Positive Work Environment

As we know that online classes are flexible, and educators can conduct these from anywhere. If you are conducting the online classes from home then make sure to set up a small workspace at home to make you feel like you are actually working in a professional environment. To remain productive during working hours, arrange a setup away from any distractions.

Proper Planning is Necessary

When it comes to virtual learning, planning is a very important step. Educators need to plan and prioritize the syllabus and study materials before the class starts. Present proper e-notes to the learners before the online session. In a traditional approach where educators can simply lay out the notes and syllabus at any time, an online environment is very different. Proper planning can help learners figure out the educational requirements quickly and see whether they fit into this routine.

Come up with ways to Engage the Learners

In a traditional approach, educators can easily engage with the students on a face-to-face level. But the biggest challenge in a traditional approach is to know an individual student’s learning pace and teach them. In an online teaching approach, educators should come up with engaging ways to teach learners. Be it conducting quizzes or discussing any particular educational topic. Learners can feel comfortable and can participate more.

Educators can also get to know an individual learner’s learning pace by discussing regularly in class. This ensures good class participation and satisfaction among students. This will allow them to engage more frequently in class and will boost active class participation. It will make the session more interesting and stimulate interest among the learners.

Communicate with the Learners

Communicating with learners is a vital step in an online approach. As it can be witnessed that in a traditional approach, learners can always reach out to the educators in the classroom. This is the main challenge that online educators have to tackle and the solution to this is to communicate frequently with the learners. Let them know that they can always reach out to you. Similarly, provide them with emails or contact numbers to get in touch.

Motivate the Learners

Many Learners lack motivation when it comes to online education. Every learner is different and their ways to learn are different too. To bridge the gap between these, educators must constantly motivate the learners. Come up with ways so that educators and learners both can make the most from the class. This can include giving the learners flexible deadlines for completing the assignments or extra marks for assignments or discussions.

Take Feedbacks Frequently

Taking Feedback frequently is very necessary while teaching online. It is a great way for educators to know about their way of teaching. Also, they can improve their skills with proper feedback from the learners. This can also help deliver valuable content from the educator’s point of view.

These are the basic seven steps that one needs to follow if one wants to teach online. Online education is a boon if utilized correctly. It will hold a major value in the future keeping in mind the various benefits that it offers to an individual. The important thing to remember here is to prioritize the schedule. Also, choose a reliable teaching platform.

To conclude, there are many online teaching platforms for teachers available for free as well that help an individual in getting started. Remember to choose the platform according to the above-discussed criteria. Create innovative and interactive content that will help to engage more learners. Class participation is very important which can be achieved by communicating with the students. Following these steps will surely help an individual for getting started with their online teaching journey.