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What are Data security Addendum Service And Security Assessment?

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Security addendum is a mutual agreement between a government or private cybersecurity agency and an individual or an organization to protect the data from getting violated. Security assessments can also be run independently to safeguard the data.

We may have come across thousands of cyber safe applications and software, we may have used hundreds of those. But, are they really worth trusting our personal and professional data with? 

5 Things to Know about Security Assessments

What are Data Security Addendum Services?

The data security addendum service is a service provided by certain companies that promise its customers cybersecurity. All of us would have heard that “Information is wealth”. Giving a 4 number PIN is not how you safeguard this wealth from data theft and violation of privacy from unknown illegal parties. 

2. Why are They Important?

When it comes to business, the value of this wealth gets multiplied. Hence, to ensure data security while maintaining professional secrecy along with the customer’s information becomes more valuable than just installing some software which you don’t even have a clue how it works. 

For high-quality protection from data thefts, hacking, and other security breaches, companies despite the size get into an agreement with the firms that provide such security addendum services. After the entrustment, they protect the integrity of their customers.

3. What is a Security Assessment?

Security assessments are nothing but a quick check you run over through your organizations’ systems. This can be done internally with the aid of the IT team of the company. Starting from keeping you informed of how likely you are to expect a data theft along with suggestions to you about how to reduce the risks of the same. 

4. How can One Conduct a Security Assessment?

Creation of a Proper IT Team to Perform Security Assessment Activities:

Generally, a well-established institute conducts security assessments by employing a professional Data security addendum service, but that may bill a huge amount. To avoid such expenses but still secure the data, an internal security assessment can be done. To do so, the company must possess a good team. This team may include the owner of the company along with the heads of various departments and well established IT professionals from the organization.

Re-evaluation of The Security Policies that Have Been Followed to Date:

If your company has always been into a security policy, then before performing the check, a quick review on the same becomes necessary. The security policy you follow must be strong enough to support the password, administrative policies, data backup plans, the strategies you have laid for securing your company’s data, and other important details.

Understanding the Risks and Threats that May Happen:

Knowing your negative points helps you improve. Same way, a piece of good knowledge about all the worst things that can happen, all the ways your data can be speculated or leaked may help you draft a proper security policy.

Drafting Out an Estimate of the Impact That Can be Expected:

Just the way you need to understand the ways in which cybercrimes might happen, it is necessary that you pen down certain results that may happen after such risk tends to happen.

Planning Control And Management Policies:

List out ways like altering the existing security assessment plan, training content, and configurations, in which you can control the security breach practices and management policies that must necessarily be performed. 

5. Security Check:

The security check is a way in which you can conclude how far your networking and other systems can stay secure. Check if your organization follows an up to date software application and run your independent security test by checking these basic properties. 

  • Authorized stimulated attacks (ASA) like penetration tests and vulnerability tests can be performed to identify both the power and deficiency of the security system of the organization. 
  • The error of ignorance is the major reason for most of the security violation cases we come across. A clear observation of the employees and their practices with the data can be run to safeguard the data thefts due to ignorance as well as those done with intentions.


Some merely think that their organization and data are not really worth hacking or theft. But in reality, contrary to the thoughts, organizations like small companies that believe themselves to be less likely to expect a cybersecurity violation becomes more vulnerable to these cases. They might not hold too much information, but they do hold information enough to be violated.

Then what happens to those companies who have safely secured their data through anti-virus software? Are they safe? Unfortunately, no security is enough security. At least not for the hackers who have resolved to violate your data. To win these masterminds and ensure data security, security assessment is the only key.