What is Internet Marketing? In general terms, Internet marketing refers to the promotion of trade or business through the Internet medium. It is the way in which products or services are promoted and sold over the Internet. Internet marketing, also called web marketing, online marketing, and even “i” or “e” -Marketing uses the Internet to bring all types of media to a global and even local market. The relatively low cost of disseminating information to a global audience makes it very unique compared to past marketing.
The interactive nature of the Internet has forced the evolution of its marketing strategies to include expertise to address the instantaneous response and response that is now presented by this unique medium. You need to include a device in your Internet marketing system to accommodate this instant response.

The term also includes the after-sales relationship between a company and its customers because it encompasses the management of digital customer data and electronic customer relations. It is widely used in the business world today and is known as ECRM – Electronic Customer Relationship Management. This expands the scope as it relates to the ongoing relationship supported by the Internet, email and wireless media.
Internet marketing links the technical and creative aspects of the Internet, including design, branding, promotion and advertising, as well as sales. Three main objectives are presented below to help define Internet marketing:
1) To convey a company’s message or presence in a marketplace. To brand its culture, mission and value, as well as to educate or detail its products or services through the computer screen.
(2) Collect research data not limited by demographics, individual preferences or past needs of both existing customers (different groups, classes, stereotypes, etc.) and potential new customers.
(3) The actual sale, collection of fees, monitoring of distribution and tracking of goods, services or advertising space on the Internet.
The way you reach your potential customer through the Internet is through different strategies. The most popular marketing strategies used by Internet merchants are social, content and payment marketing approaches. Each has its own attributes, as well as limitations or shortcomings.
Leadership-based websites are organizations or groups of websites that create value by capturing potential customers or Internet sales leads to be used or sold to a third party.
AFFILIATE MARKETING is a process in which a product or service is promoted by many people or entities who receive a percentage of the profits when the product is purchased. The Affiliate did not develop or produce it itself. The owner or producer of the product has authority over who and how their product is sold and usually provides the “affiliate” with marketing materials; i.e., links to websites, capture pages, and advertisements that have coded tracking, the device used to ensure the affiliate gets credit for the sale.
Local Internet marketing is the process used by a company with a “local customer base” that traditionally sells through warm market referrals, signage, location visibility, and using the Internet to find and cultivate relationships with potential customers to interact later with those offline.
BLACK HAT MARKETING is a form of Internet marketing or search engine optimization (SEO) that commonly refers to the practice of using unethical techniques or employing deceptive, abusive, or less than truthful methods to get your search rankings up to attract more traffic to your website.
The birth and growth of Internet marketing has also left its mark on the “personal worlds” of many individuals. By offering individuals endless ways to promote and market their own products, services, and opportunities, the world of Internet marketing has exploded.